Family  + God comes first.   I am a mom to 2 amazing little boys who changed me for the better :')


I would totally be a food critic if i could.   and travel the world  doing it. 


My  comfort shows are That 70's show,   Gilmore Girls,  and New Girl. My comfort movie is the entire Harry Potter series and  I grew up  watching Romcom's and love stories. I use movies as inspiration  to tell your story.


I   enjoy astrology and feel like "it's in the stars" couldn't be more true.


So glad you’re here.

A  travel addict.

A  total boy mom.
A Scorpio.
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It’s so much more than a job, it's the time spent with each and everyone of you. Having the privilege to tell your story is an absolute honor. As someone who enjoy's their creative side, capturing your moments and turning them into art is the best feeling.

My goal is to document your love & tell your story in the most authentic way.